Land Restoration

Restoration projects are one of Eden's greatest passions. This special project is an extensive restoration effort at a ranch in Brown County, Texas. Construction, overgrazing, and land clearing led to reduced native vegetation and biodiversity and compacted stripped soil conditions. Erosion was another threat to the beautiful site.
The Eden team utilized land sculpting and soil restoration to bring vitality back to the ranch. We introduced contoured terrace berms to capture overland water flows, preserving water on site. Soil fertility was increased with the application of cow manure compost and compost tea. Weed-free wheat straw mulch retained moisture in the soil, allowing native seeds to germinate and thrive, suppressing weeds, and enriching the soil with humus during decomposition.
Eden carefully selected a plant palette indigenous to Brown County, incorporating fifteen species of shrubs and trees and more than thirty species of grasses and wildflowers. Within four months after completion, the site had completely transformed into an oasis.